Mastering the Art of Startup Pitching: Key Takeaways

Key Takeaways

Recently, we hosted a live pitching session on our weekly event on Zoom. Several startup founders joined the show, sharing their startup pitches with us. Each participant was given two minutes to present their startup ideas and share them with experts. This opportunity allowed them to practice their elevator pitches in real-time on the show. […]

7 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Keep Your Startup Idea Secret

7 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Keep Your Startup Idea Secret

The world of startups and entrepreneurship has often been associated with a sense of secrecy when it comes to sharing ideas.  Many budding entrepreneurs tend to believe that keeping their startup ideas under wraps is the best way to safeguard their potential success. However, it doesn’t help them in the long run.  As a startup […]

Practice Your Elevator Pitch Live on Startup Pulse

Practice Your Elevator Pitch Live on Startup Pulse

In this blog post, we’ll take a look at all the relevant aspects that make a great elevator pitch. Yesterday, we allowed startup founders to come up with their pitches and practice their elevator pitches live on our Zoom event. The session was great as we got around 30 startup founders joining the show and […]