Pitching Masterclass: Unlocking Startup Potential

Pitching Masterclass: Unlocking Startup Potential

We recently conducted a live pitching session on Zoom, in which we invited startup founders to join the pitching session, allotting each participant two minutes to present their startup ideas. This opportunity allowed them to practice their elevator pitches in real-time on our show.

Anshuman Sinha, co-founder of Startup Steroid, hosted the show and provided invaluable feedback to help startup founders refine their pitching strategies. Scott Fox, CEO of Startup Council and Chairman of Orange County Stanford Angels, graced the show as a guest mentor.

Anshuman Sinha explained the process, stating, “To begin practicing your pitch live on the show, you simply need to raise your hand. A timer with a clock will be displayed on your screen, helping you manage your pitch timing effectively. Each participant will have two minutes to complete their elevator pitches. Following your pitch, we will conduct a thorough evaluation and offer necessary feedback.”

Kevan Parang, CEO of REECARD, was the first to present his startup pitch. He delved into great detail, explaining how he led a team in developing a crypto wallet and payment gateway with a processing capacity of over 60 million transactions. He also discussed how he offered secure data storage solutions to clients worldwide through afilename.com.

Our experts listened closely to Kevan’s startup pitch and offered valuable feedback to enhance his pitching style.

Scott Fox commented, “Impressively, you delved deep into the numbers. Investors appreciate data, so you were on point. However, your pitch went slightly overboard with the numbers. In addition to data, investors also want to know about your business and your future financial projections. Share more about your business to ensure investors grasp the opportunity. Overall, it was good.”

Jerry Heikens, Executive Director, TiE SoCal, also concurred with Scott’s feedback and advised Kevan to focus more on the solution and provide a brief overview of his team and how the startup is currently generating revenue.

Our mentor, Anshuman Sinha, echoed the sentiments of Jerry and Scott. He also encouraged startup founders to make eye contact with investors during pitching events, as avoiding eye contact can be distracting.

Regarding startup pitching, Anshuman emphasized starting with a captivating statement, followed by storytelling, addressing the problem statement, presenting the solution, and discussing the financial aspects, including funding requirements and utilization.

Content on Anshuman Sinha chair TiE SoCal, Screen

Next, Rajiv Jadhav, VP of Business Development at Lylli LaunchTools, presented his elevator pitch. He explained how the company assists startups in HealthTech, Medical Devices, and non-pharma industry verticals by helping them clarify their vision, mission, and launch planning strategy in a simple and seamless manner.

Our experts carefully listened to Rajiv’s pitch. Anshuman suggested that Rajiv narrate the pitch more like a story to captivate investors. For instance, he recommended explaining how Rajiv’s solution addresses pain points. Scott also agreed with Anshuman, emphasizing the importance of practice in achieving effective storytelling.

Our mentors also highlighted the significance of speech tempo and word choice during startup pitching, advising founders to speak slowly to ensure clarity.

Subsequently, Jamie Van Doren, Founder/CEO at NeverEnding, presented his elevator pitch. He described how the company is developing a new content generation and sharing platform, featuring user-friendly art and animation tools to bring stories to life. The platform enables users to transform recorded audio into animated videos, which can be shared on NeverEnding, other social media platforms, or kept private.

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Our mentors advised Jamie to provide more details about the problem he aims to solve and explain the potential exit strategy for investors. Additionally, they recommended simplifying technical jargon or industry-specific terms for better investor understanding.

Several other startup founders also presented their elevator pitches on the show, including Jodi McPierson, Melanie Kuta, Oliver, and Jay De, among others.

In short, this pitching session provided valuable insights for startup founders, helping them improve their pitching style and techniques. Our mentors emphasized the importance of regular practice, suggesting that startup founders record their pitches during Zoom calls to identify areas for improvement.

Key Takeaways from the Startup Pitching Masterclass

Clear and Concise Communication: Ensure your pitch is clear, concise, and easily comprehensible. Avoid using jargon or technical details that may confuse your audience. Articulate your startup’s value proposition in a simple and compelling manner.

Problem-Solution Fit: Highlight the problem you are addressing and its significance. Emphasize how your solution effectively tackles this problem. Demonstrating a strong alignment between the problem and solution is crucial to attracting investor interest.

Market Validation: Present evidence of market demand and validation. Share data, testimonials, or case studies that showcase real interest or traction in the market. This builds credibility.

Monetization Strategy: Explain how your startup intends to generate revenue. Outline your revenue model, pricing strategy, and sales channels. Investors want to understand your path to profitability.

Team and Expertise: Showcase your team’s qualifications and relevant expertise. Investors often invest in the team as much as the idea. Highlight any advisors or mentors who support your venture.

Financial Projections: Provide realistic financial projections that illustrate a clear path to profitability. Be prepared to explain your assumptions and how you will utilize the investment funds.

Use of Funds: Clearly outline how you plan to allocate the investment funds. Break down the allocation into categories such as product development, marketing, and hiring.

Storytelling and Passion: Connect with your audience emotionally by crafting a compelling story. Your passion for your startup and its mission can be infectious and leave a lasting impression.

Exit Strategy: Investors are interested in your long-term vision. Share your thoughts on potential exit strategies, whether through acquisition, IPO, or other means.

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Practice, Practice, Practice: Finally, rehearse your pitch multiple times to ensure it flows smoothly and stays within the allotted time. Practice in front of friends or mentors to gather feedback.


In summary, this session underscores the importance of creating an engaging elevator pitch that encapsulates your startup’s essence. It should be clear, concise, and captivating.

The Pitching Masterclass serves as a valuable platform for emerging entrepreneurs and startup founders to refine their presentation skills and master the art of connecting with angel investors.

We encourage startup founders to participate in our weekly virtual Startup meetups, where they can engage in dynamic sessions, exchange insights, and have meaningful conversations with industry experts.

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