Pitching Masterclass: A Guide for Startup Success

Pitching Masterclass: A Guide for Startup Success

Recently, we hosted a live pitching session on our Friday event, allowing startup founders to develop their original pitches and practice their elevator pitches live on our show. Each attendee was granted two minutes to complete their elevator pitch. Anshuman Sinha, co-founder of Startup Steroid, hosted the show and offered vital feedback to startup founders […]

5 Ways Your Team Can Springboard Startup Success

5 Ways Your Team Can Springboard Startup Success

When you start a startup, the journey won’t be easy. Every startup goes through various challenges, uncertainties, and roadblocks on its journey. Unfortunately, most startup founders halt their journeys as they find these roadblocks too overwhelming to overcome. But those who march on, fighting against all odds, are the real entrepreneurs. They are the ones […]